Friday, November 6, 2009

This is my venting spot for all the foolishness and inane junk taking up of air time that passes for entertainment on the tube. Sort of like 'The world's Funniest Videos" Most of them aren't very funny. And those that are certainly aren't the funniest in the world. A big 'Bah Humbug!!' on TV. Well most of it. I don't watch a lot of tv, mostly because its more frustrating than entertaining. I do flip around the dial - a LOT. I think I have a short attention span. Most of the programs are piss poor, and then comes the commercials. Sham wow indeed!! And the newest one to be on every channel it seems. This annoying man asking people about the tax that cable providers are hoping to add to our bills - $10.00 monthly. Sort of like a man in the street interview. Then the actors portraying the people in the street, trying to look outraged, shocked , whatever. I'll pay $10.00 a month not to have to see that commercial ever again. I've never watched all of it, I keep changing the channel looking for something, anything to watch, but I can't seem to avoid it.